The Supreme Court's decision on affirmative action was wrong.

I am still determining how aware people were of the Supreme Court's Decision on affirmative action, but it is a highly significant decision. A rogue, hyperpartisan, and unaccountable court decision overruled long-standing legal precedent in affirmative action cases like Grutter vs. Bollinger and Regents of the University of California v. Bakke. California v Bakke, which ruled against racial quotas in college admissions, still said that affirmative is justifiable in such cases.

I am not in favor of racial quotas and believe that race should not be the number one factor in college admissions; however, affirmative action is an effective tool to make up for past racial sins. Black and Hispanic Americans have been disadvantaged for decades and have struggled to obtain higher education. Much of this is due to systemic racism, and affirmative action has led to higher incomes for Black and Hispanic Americans, according to studies. Affirmative action has helped people achieve opportunity and has long been recognized as legal. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court has disregarded legal precedent and facts in favor of hyperpartisanship and hierarchy. This decision is disappointing, but I hope that people recognize that this decision is terrible for Americans and is a dark chapter in the United States Supreme Court's history.



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