What Biden should mention in his state of the union address.

President Biden will give his state of the union address soon, and it should mention popular issues with broad support. He should speak of accomplishments like climate action, prescription drug price reduction, and domestic semiconductor production. He should send a clear message to House Republicans saying that he will work with them only if they put together realistic and bipartisan compromises and send a clear message to House Republican radicals publicly denouncing them. He should mention his agenda on popular common sense issues like immigration reform, climate change, and public safety.

  1. President Biden should mention the historic $1.2 Trillion bi-partisan Infrastructure investment and Jobs Act. It can be summarized like this, “For too long politicians have been promising infrastructure yet never delivering, and now finally we passed a historic bipartisan infrastructure bill that is creating thousands of good paying jobs boosting our economy and strengthening rural communities all without raising taxes by one penny.”

  2. President Biden should reject calls to defund the police as he did previously and talk about the need to make policing better reflect the realities of black communities. It can be summarized like this. “Police men and women have a hard and important job, and the defunding of the police movement is reckless and irresponsible, and defunding the FBI is just as reckless. I believe police officers are an asset to our society and yet should be held accountable like every profession. It is why Congress needs to prevent unnecessary cruelty like what occurred with George Floyd and Tyre Nicholas to end no-knock warrants and qualified immunity nationwide and invest in community policing to help build strong relationships with our communities.”

  3. President Biden should mention the Chips and Science Act and how it will benefit our national security. It can be summarized like this. “For too long, components for critical semiconductors were made in countries like China and other adversaries until members of Congress recognized the need for those jobs to stay in the greatest country on earth and passed the bi-partisan Chips and Science act  and the benefits have paid off TSMC more than doubled it’s investment in Phoenix, Arizona to $40 Billion and will help create thousands of high paying private sector jobs and there are countless other examples in places like Ohio, New York State, and Texas.”

  4. President Biden should mention the need for continuing bipartisanship in congress. It can be summarized like this.”Last year congress made significant progress on bipartisanship bills like the Respect for Marriage Act and the Honoring Our Pact Act to help veterans exposed to toxic burn pits. Congress must be bi-partisan in 2023 by responsibly raising the debt ceiling as quickly as possible to avoid defaulting on our debts. Being bipartisan does not mean we agree on everything; it means having the will to accept the fact that perfect should never be the enemy of good and that political violence must be denounced, whether it is former president    Donald Trump inciting a riot or a deranged individual allegedly wanting to kill justice, Kavanaugh. We need to agree. Let us denounce someone inciting a riot on January 6, not endorse them.”

  5. President Biden should mention the need to protect innocent dreamers, young migrants who came to the U.S. as children. It can be summarized like this.”Congress must act to give DACA recipients citizenship. These are people who worked hard and are law-abiding and were brought to the U.S. illegally as children at no fault of their own. Congress must unite to protect these innocent, hard-working individuals who contribute to our economy and are true stewards of the American dream. If Congress fails to protect these innocent people, it will be a moral stain on our country.”

  6. Biden should discuss the climate wins in the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act. It can be shortened like this.” I believe the climate crisis is real. We have an obligation to the next generation to fix it so we invested billions in clean energy like solar, wind, geothermal and nuclear power to help boost our economy and lower co2 emissions by an additional 15%. Economic Growth and environmental progress can both be achieved if done smartly.”

  7. Joe Biden should discuss the historic provision in the Inflation Reduction Act that allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices. It can be stated like this.” The costs of prescription drugs in the U.S. are simply too high. I hope to work towards further reduction of costs this year. Last year, however, we made momentous progress by allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, which will be a game-changer for seniors on a fixed income.``

These statements will outline Joe Biden’s priorities clearly and effectively. It will also make it easy for viewers to understand the arguments.


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